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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
Most employers say they look for entry-level hires that have some post-secondary education. Minimally, this means a certificate, but a two-year degree is preferred. Most employers state that a high school degree or GED is generally inadequate for various positions; nonetheless, many have had to hire at this level due to the labor shortage.

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"One of the things that I've noticed is that we're talking about production workers and the requirement is supposedly that they just need a high school diploma to be able to perform many of those tasks. But that's lower than what we expect of our employees coming in. Technology has increased so much. There's so much that they have to learn, and we're requiring more than a high school diploma. We're looking for two years of military service, two years of a manufacturing background, and/or at least two years of post-secondary education." Northeast
"Historically, our company has taken production operators that are advanced, and then transitioned them into maintenance mechanics. We're just now, I think, seeing the trend that we're having to go outside because there aren't enough interested production people. And we're raising the bar a little bit. Now, we're going to be getting into some of these one-year, two-year type of prerequisite skills that you do need to be a mechanic in our operation." Northeast
"I agree that they need some type of certificate, rather than just a high school education." Northeast