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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers offer various recommendations for improving MnSCU manufacturing programs, such as standardizing program and occupation titles, increasing support for community colleges, and training professors on new technology.

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"There was an example—it still may exist—an [out-of-state college] had a school of mines and another [out-of-state college] would go up there in the summer for their Mine Surveying course; it was more of a mining technologist two-year program. It didn't teach students how to drive a haul truck or operate a drill or run a shovel, but it gave them the basics about what the minerals are and about the different mineral processing processes, quality control aspects, and the surveying. They were getting students for the summer courses and teaching people from throughout Canada and the United States. So, there are examples out there of mining technology programs that could be instituted up here." Northeast