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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Some employers say that if students are exposed to CAD and 3D modeling software, such as Solidworks or ProE, then the employer can provide additional training in specific programs that their organization uses. Other employers find that students do not have necessary training in AutoCad and computer science.

Employer Quote Region
"We use a CAD program that very few companies use. It is a Google Sketch Up. We're okay that they don't have that, as long as they've been exposed to different CAD and the different software. The schools are teaching them how to do it, and we'll customize their learning to our system. When they come, they just have to learn the company's system. Every company is different. Learn their culture. I think that is the initial learning curve—just using their knowledge that they have with previous experience or with their education and applying it to the particular company." Northwest
"We use 3D SolidWorks for mechanical designing. Almost all the schools, they're doing like Pro/E, which is something that we've been able to adjust to. Typically, if they know that software they can pick up SolidWorks, but there is a learning curve there." Northwest
"We know that they're not going to know the software that we use, and as long as they've been exposed to CAD, and they've had some good classes, we know they can pick ours up, so I don't see that as an issue." Northwest