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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many employers face difficulty finding high-quality, entry-level applicants. This is especially true for mechanical and electrical engineering positions.

Employer Quote Region
"As far as trends, we see an ongoing need to continue to hire electrical and mechanical engineers because of two reasons. We have engineers that are going to be retiring, and also because of growth. If we see growth in our business in the next five years, we're going to have to hire more people. I don't see that changing. It is kind of a tight market. We anticipate a continued need for electrical mechanics." Northwest
"We hire mechanical, electrical, controls, and software engineers. And I thought it was interesting with mechanical maybe being on the decline because we're actually finding the opposite to be true. But, of course, we're looking for experience too, and that's what hurts. That is hard." Northwest
"For us, electrical engineers are hard to find, and maybe it's just knowing where to go and how to get them to come to our area." Northwest
"At our company—we do the software and the higher level mechanical and electrical—we're definitely feeling the pinch with finding those individuals." Northwest
"I talk to a lot of recruiters, too, and they're having a hard time finding electrical engineers, so I don't know." Northwest
"I put that down to the spouse thing, too. If you find a qualified candidate from outside of the area, what does that spouse have? If they're not familiar with a rural community, and they're coming from a larger metropolitan area, is it something that they're ready for? Because it is a different culture and a different feel. If they don't have specific ties to the area, will they stick around after we've made that investment?" Northwest