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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Several employers are pleased with entry-level candidates and feel they are well-prepared.

Employer Quote Region
"We're finding a lot of good young engineers right out of college, and they have good basic engineering skills. But we're in the automating packaging equipment industry where some of those skills transfer over, but some don't. And some skills just have to be learned on the job. But we're seeing some good people. When we look at our candidates, we look not only at their skills, but their attitudes, their values, and things of that nature, too." Northwest
"I think the core training and what they're educated on—I think it's all right." Northwest
"I was talking about looking for experience, but when we talk about hiring someone out of college, they have been very well-prepared in general. And then we can kind of mold them." Northwest