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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many incumbents are reaching retirement age without a sufficient replacement workforce.

Employer Quote Region
"As far as trends, we see an ongoing need to continue to hire electrical and mechanical engineers because of two reasons. We have engineers that are going to be retiring and also because of growth. If we see growth in our business in the next five years, we're going to have to hire more people. I don't see that changing. It is kind of a tight market, but we anticipate a continued need for electrical mechanics." Northwest
"Also, regarding workforce needs, the statistics say that the work is coming back to the United States from overseas, which is a great thing. But that puts more pressure on us to be able to do high quality, efficient work in the United States. So, it's on us for hiring qualified engineers that can design these types of things to make it more efficient for our customers. So, that is where I see the pressure." Northwest
"Engineering is just so critical. So, electrical and mechanical controls—we need them. And, again, the statistics are so surprising because we see a great need that is going to increase in the future, not decrease. We cannot find enough of them, and in the future we're going to need more." Northwest