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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Industry leaders state it is important for businesses and higher education to create K-12 partnerships, which ensure children are educated about the engineering industry and engineering careers. Many employers are already participating in K-12 outreach; this includes working with the program Project Lead the Way, offering classroom presentations, and creating job-shadowing opportunities.

Employer Quote Region
"We have done the internships. We've made connections all the way down to like the third grade class. I think you need to get the younger ones exposed to what is being done in manufacturing. Most people think of manufacturing as if it's old and dying. Children need to see what it's actually like. So, you take them through your factory, and they're like, 'Wow, this is pretty neat!' There are all kinds of things happening—there are jobs from scheduling to CAD. There are just so many opportunities, and I don't think that kids have an idea of what goes on in factories. To actually show them and walk them through—a lot of them are really amazed." Northwest
"It's the relationship with the instructors that they're talking about, and this is not just about the college level. This is way younger. They're getting students excited about manufacturing, so they're excited for the careers. I think that is the key. We, as employers, need to have these great relationships with schools at all levels, so that they're helping nurture these students so that they're excited about the opportunities. Because manufacturing is where the jobs are—and that's what we want students to know." Northwest
"There are actually three of five representatives in the room today that are working together in the packaging machine-manufacturing consortium locally. So, there are five organizations working together, and four are packaging machine manufacturers. The Economic Development Commission and college are working right now on some non-competitive recruiting issues as far as working with elementary school students. They are sponsoring the first robotics team from the high school, and are doing a variety of activities to promote the industry locally. I don't think that is happening everywhere. But there are four competitive organizations from the same industry, all within a ten-mile radius, doing some things to work together. I just wanted to make sure that somehow hits the notes because it's unique, and these guys are doing a great job." Northwest