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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Some employers are already partnering with educational institutions through advisory boards and committees. They emphasize the importance of continuing and expanding this type of communication, and they suggest that higher education representatives make on-site visits to businesses.

Employer Quote Region
"It is the relationship with the instructors. It's about us having opportunities to go into their classes. And, I agree that this is not just important at the college level—we employers need to have great relationships with schools at all levels, so that we're helping nurture these students so that they're excited about the opportunities. Manufacturing is where the jobs are, and that's what we want students to know." Northwest
"It sounds like the most productive relationship is one that is more permanent—where there is regular contact between businesses and the educational institutions, whether they're technical colleges or four-year universities. It's not just twice-a-year checking in with each other. It is internships. It is sending papers. It is tours. It is the whole nine yards." Northwest