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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Cultural sensitivity and awareness training are increasingly important. This may include language training and generational training as well.

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"You hit the nail on the head when you talked about cultural sensitivity and diversity needs in the care setting because we're bombarded from every aspect of society. So, if you're talking a curriculum involved with medical-surgery nursing or you're talking a curriculum involved with phlebotomy or whatever—Even if it's a piece that's intertwined into something else. I mean, no one's ever going to get everything—you're not going to come away from a program with everything, but a piece of it would be good. I attended a cultural awareness training last week that was put on by White Earth Reservation. And the keynote speaker used an analogy about wearing pants, and it was such a simple analogy—we all know about pants, but how many types of pants are there? And do you know how to put on every type of pants and everything about putting on those pants?" Northwest
"Question: So, as you look ahead five to ten years, would languages skills be more important? More LPNs, RNs, lab techs, whoever, who maybe can speak languages other than English?

Employer: It depends on the area. I mean, if you're in Pelican Rapids there's a lot of migrant populations there, so maybe for them it would be important."