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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers say that professionalism is sometimes lacking in new hires. This includes work ethic, quality of work, and realistic expectations of the work environment.

Employer Quote Region
"If the schools could teach work ethics and ethics in general that would be helpful. Get them to focus on how the company works, so that everything isn't 'me, me, me.' What's important to the company and what's important to the customer? Those skills are very important." Northwest
"I think it's become more generational. I'm not saying that the problem didn't always exist, but there seems to be a work ethic among certain age groups that is definitely different than others." Northwest
"To have the soft skills and to know what it takes to be a good employee in the particular kind of business you're going into is—wow—it'll get you in the door every time." Northwest
"Question: It's one of the things that employers have asked for—that in soft skill training they actually cover the importance of showing up for work and being in good condition.

Employer: That's the work ethic. The power of the work ethic."
"I think the employers, too, need to make it a point to share that importance with new employees. Even in a class. Let's talk about those expectations. Because when someone knows that they're valued, and that someone's relying on them, and they feel that sense of appreciation and worth, then it actually affects their attendance for the better, because they know that people appreciate them." Northwest