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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers feel professionalism is lacking in new hires, and they cite generational differences in work ethic. Many employers express concern about issues related to attendance, quality of work, and discipline. They also have difficulty finding employees who are willing to work second and third shifts.

Employer Quote Sort ascending Region
"There are still some social issues when they come out of the program. We have one person that, for some reason, just stopped coming to work and may have even stopped going to class—I'm not sure. So, those are still issues." Northwest
"Some new hires need a reality check of what it's like when you get out of class and start working." Northwest
"Some new hires lack the softer skills." Northwest
"It's about getting up, getting to work, ethical behavior, and understanding teamwork." Northwest
"I've worked with lots of folks over the years on different types of training, including some of those soft skills and team-building skills. And some of the non-technical skills are critical. Getting along with people is very, very important. Even if they have the technical skills, some people are losing their jobs because of the inability to get along with others and to show up on time." Northwest
"I think what the other respondent is saying is accurate—it's a matter of the attendance and being at work on time. That social understanding isn't there. It's generational to some degree, we get that." Northwest
"I don't know how MnSCU can really help. I think it starts down at the high school level, and maybe even lower than that. It's just those soft skills. It's the ability to get to work. For most jobs, we train while on-the-job, so they need to do basic things like show up on time." Northwest