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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers need new hires that possess strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills; these skills are needed in order for employees to fulfill their role within the manufacturing process and to be able to quickly adapt to new technology.

Employer Quote Region
"Employer 1: MnSCU could help by helping students with problem-solving skills.

Employer 2: Problem-solvers are important to a system. Also, students should understand that the job that they are working today won't be the same job they're working in five years. It may change a lot.

Employer 3: Yeah, so preparing students for that."
"High school is sufficient, but if we could raise that level a little bit it would make it that much better as we continue to refine. As we get leaner and leaner, we need to have smarter and smarter people. People that have a better understanding, that can recognize things that aren't quite right, and that can find solutions to change those things." Northwest