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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
With skilled workers in short supply, the manufacturing industry is moving towards automation and robotics; therefore, the demand for qualified maintenance specialists is increasing.

Employer Quote Region
"And, looking further down the road, if you can't find enough people that can do that type of thing, what are you doing to resolve the problem? The problem is going to be addressed by a more automated or mechanized or robotized machine. That is what's coming down the road to us." Northwest
"System automation and technology is the direction that we are going with robots, automation, and mechatronics. That system automation is going to take people who understand production technology and all those other people that we have problems finding. So, whether it's two years out or five years out, I can't tell you, but it's happening. We're going to need those people." Northwest
"We're probably not as automated as some companies are, but we're all challenged to reduce our labor costs as much as we possibly can because you've got to be cost-competitive. And a lot of my larger accounts are looking for a three percent reduction in price every year. They generally don't get it, but they're asking." Northwest
"I continue to see automation trends. The industry is really finding that there is a very high return investment with automation." Northwest