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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many employers are currently involved in internship programs through high schools or local colleges. Employers would like to see more candidates who have internship or workplace-based experience. Many employers are interested in partnering with MnSCU to create stronger partnerships in this area.

Employer Quote Sort ascending Region
"If students have internships while going to school that would help us greatly in terms of them having the on-the-job experience piece." Northwest
"I'd like to see more of an emphasis on the internships so that these kids understand what they might see out there. Of course, that takes cooperation from us in the industry as well. I think a lot of students don't really get a feel for the types of jobs that we're doing." Northwest
"Question: Are there barriers to the internships? And are the interns largely in certificate programs or are they in high school? Also, I was curious if any of you link math skills—that you say are lacking—as a condition of an internship?

R: The college was working with the NCRC, the National Career Readiness Certificate, so we knew that they had some math skills because they passed that test. I don't know if they chose those people because they were here or if they're putting everybody through. But the four interns that we hired have all taken the NCRC testing, so I had a basic knowledge of what skills they have. So, yeah, everybody in the welding program has gone through that. At the high school level it is a specific curriculum, and we want to make sure that they have those classes or that they are taking those classes. And while they're going through the program, which is a two-year program, we want to make sure that they will get into trig eventually."
"Employer 1: When folks come out of even the one-year program for welding, they really have absolutely no clue what they're getting into when they get into the workforce. They've been on video games, they've welded in a controlled environment; then, they come in here and I want them to stand on their head holding that welding rod with their left hand with their eyes closed because that's what a job requires. So, when they come to us, they don't really have an understanding of what they're getting into.

Question: Everyone's raised this issue of internships or apprenticeships, and I think the employers have to be willing partners. So, is that currently going on? Are there more of these taking place?

Employer 1: Yeah. And we're pretty flexible to meet their schedule.

Employer 2: Yes. And I always tell them when they come in, school is first. We have four apprentices, interns, whatever you want to call them. It's new for us. We just started last fall. And I'll tell you, when they come in, it's a little bit of a shock both for them and our people—saying that they don't know anything. It's costing us more time to teach them. What are we doing it for? Well, over time they kind of fit in, and our hope is that they come on full-time.

Question: So, the sooner you expose them to the real work environment the better off it is for everyone?

Employer 2: Yeah."