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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
New hires often lack the ability to problem-solve when using technology.

Employer Quote Region
"There's a whole bunch of problem-solving skills that today's world needs, and unfortunately all the things that your employer thinks is really bad...social networking, texting, Facebook...all of those things are what are going to make the new mechanic succeed. Because they have to process the information so fast, through all kinds of technical sources. All this is Internet based, and they have to be able to sort the positive and the negative, the real and the not real quickly, so that they can get to their repair." Northwest
"It's really brutal when you see your employee doing texting all day long, and all these things. And yet, in many cases, an employee can succeed at problem-solving because he understands how to do this kind of research. I've had technical students tour my facility, and I always show them my new place and the computer[s], because every station has a computer. You have to have these skills. Somehow this skill has to be taught to techs. They have to be able to understand that the info is just not in this book that your boss provided you." Northwest
"You're going to have to know how it works. You're going to have to understand the electrical things...Ohm's Law...simple things you have to understand. But at the end of the day, you have to figure out shortcuts. You need to know how it works. And it should be second nature to the new technicians that come on." Northwest
"I have three full time techs. In the last two-and-a half years I have changed out positions four times. And the biggest thing for me, I think, is...and I don't know how you get this into a person...is fear factor. They'll do what comes to mind first, and then they'll come to me and say, `Well, this isn't working.' That's my biggest thing...just looking back at the four people that I've let go in the last two years...they don't have the drive to want to be the best they can be. You could teach them how to think, rather than just throwing their hands up and going asking for help." Northwest
"You can teach [problem-solving] to the right person." Northwest