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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
The most common areas of knowledge or skills that incumbent workers need as part of their ongoing training include new product technology, new vehicle technology, manufacturer-specific certifications, customer service, hazardous waste management, ergonomics and leadership training.

Employer Quote Sort ascending Region
"You know what, in the industry that we're in working with new car manufacturers, obviously [we need] continued training. There are certain things that are required. The technicians [need] to be certified at certain levels or skill categories in order to perform. If they're not, we simply don't get paid for it. If we have technicians that are not certified in that particular area, [and] fix a car under warranty, the manufacturer looks at it and says, 'your tech wasn't trained, we're not going to pay.' So we're out of money. So basically you don't have a choice." Northwest
"Well, we start them in the quick lube, and we work them, and they can work up to be an A-Tech. Then they've got to do the Honda training." Northwest
"So at one of our core training facilities there are classes offered?we also have non-industry specific leadership training." Northwest