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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers say many incumbents are reaching retirement age without a sufficient replacement workforce.

Employer Quote Region
"In 10 years we'll probably have 40 percent of the workforce retired, of my technicians. Now's the time to start [bringing in more students]...but when you can't even get them to come in the door...We're short now. What's going to happen in 10 years? I'm hoping we get some more kids recruited." Northwest
"Q: Okay. So 40 percent of these techs are going to be gone in 10 years...and how many is that?
A: Oh, it's going to be about, when it's all said and done, it'll probably be 20 people."