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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Interpersonal communication and teamwork are frequently cited as crucial skills for new hires; these skills are often lacking.

Employer Quote Region
"A company sent out a short little survey to all these manufacturers and probably about 20 or 30 other people. The top three things that we want are good attendance, interpersonal skills, and the ability to follow directions." Southeast
"I think you want a foundation of people who can learn to learn. There are a lot of people with those hard technical skills that we want, but a lot of it is back to the basics—they need to have the good STEM skills, good communication skills, the ability to work well with people, and teamwork skills." Southeast
"When you think of this generation, it's all texting. They have no interaction. They don't know how to talk on the phone anymore. And to have them come into a team environment, it's going to be very interesting." Southeast
"One of the things that we talk about is that you can disagree, but you don't have to be disagreeable." Southeast
"And having conflict-resolution skills. It's those types of things that will help people." Southeast
"You see students that text a lot. So, the language is changing. And the ability—and I'm thinking more beyond our four-year graduates—it's the ability to actually communicate and articulate." Southeast