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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many employers, particularly those in the Northwest and Central economic planning regions, speak of how rural locations affect hiring practices. Most say they prefer to hire locally because they believe local workers will stay longer. Many rural employers say it is difficult to recruit the talent they need from within their own region. Additionally, it is often difficult for them to compete with engineering salaries in the Twin Cities.

Employer Quote Region
"We only hired probably about ten percent of our engineers from Minnesota. There are six people that work as recruiters. But we also have ambassadors on a lot of the campuses. We have one here in Mankato." Southwest
"We don't usually have a problem recruiting applicants, but we do have problems recruiting applicants with special experience in our industry. The university gives us lots of applicants, and we do hire a lot of them. But to try to find someone with experience in our industry and to convince them to move to Mankato, when the Twin Cities is so close is challenging. And I think that the salary levels are really affecting our recruiting. It's very difficult to convince someone to work here when they really want to work in the Cities and make much more money. So, we have to find a way to convince them that this is a good spot." Southwest