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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
Internships and other forms of practical experience are highly sought after in new hires.

Employer Quote Region
"For our industry, unless they have experience to go along with that advanced degree, they've just narrowed their field of where they can be hired. They're going to expect more pay, and therefore it's going to cost more. And we would rather wait; we want to make sure that they're the right candidate." Southwest
"As a manufacturer, the one thing I would like to see in an engineer coming out of school is a little more background in actually working on the machines. When I came out of school as a mechanical engineer, we had a couple of days where you're actually running a mill or a lathe or something. And then you get to work, and you design these great parts, and you pass them on to manufacturing and they're like, 'There's no way we can make that.'" Southwest
"That's something that I've been looking for in even in the new graduates. If they've had a little bit of shop experience in the past, it's a very big plus when you're going into a manufacturing environment like we have." Southwest
"I think in our industry internships are pretty common. In fact, I can't even imagine hiring a graduate that hasn't had an internship. Because there's enough people out there who have." Southwest
"I think we've got three interns in Mankato this year, all from [MnSCU college]. We've put about eight interns in a year to the company. It's a good way for us to test drive them, and for them to test drive us." Southwest
"Some of the things that were said before about having some experience, like for mechanical engineers or electrical engineers, having some actual experience in the field with machinery or experience on-site with different tolerance requirements. One thing that we're noticing is that, for the industries we serve, the requirements are just getting tougher and tougher in terms of quality requirements and things like that. So, yeah, that experience in the field is really going to be more and more important. It's one thing—from an engineering standpoint—to be able to lay something out. It's another thing to actually be able to manufacture it. And that correlation is really important." Southwest