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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Most employers provide incumbents with training on both technical and soft skills. Technical training topics include new technology, new product development and efficiency, and new software.

Employer Quote Region
"In our technician area, we're looking at a new technology, and no one has that. But the ability to learn, the willingness to learn, their interest, and how they were able to pick up another type of software—if they are able to show those things, then it is a good indicator that they will be able to learn this other software. I think we've learned to be a little bit more open-minded." Southwest
"If they don't know the specific software that we use, but they learned a companion software, and are integrated into computer technology for years, then they can easily make that transition." Southwest