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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Several employers are pleased with entry-level candidates and feel they are well-prepared.

Employer Quote Region
"There certainly have been a lot more candidates out there, and it's been good pickings for us." Southwest
"I think we've hired one civil engineer out of [MnSCU college] every year, the past few years. So, it's been a good source for us." Southwest
"Employer 1: I'm involved in a number of professional organizations, and maybe one compliment for the [MnSCU] program is that, for the last number of years, the organizations have definitely favored the graduates coming out of [MnSCU] program. It's because their training is more on the practical side.
Employer 2: Yeah, I'd agree. That's why we've been hiring more [MnSCU] graduates."