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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers speak of the internship programs they are currently involved in and the importance of new hires having internship experience.

Employer Quote Region
"We offer internships and scholarships for [MnSCU college]. But they don't actually go into the shop and run a mill or a lathe. They'll be doing design projects and things like that." Southwest
"I think, in our industry, internships are pretty common. In fact, I can't even imagine hiring a graduate that hasn't had an internship because there are enough candidates out there that have." Southwest
"Internships are a good way for us to test-drive interns and for them to test-drive us." Southwest
"One thought I had, and this is again maybe to our industry, we hire a fair amount of interns and in our case it's a paid position. It's fairly well-paid for a student position. The one thing is if our workload isn't high enough where we can actually hire people, one thing students can do is maybe job-shadowing and things like that. It's not a request that I rarely have ever gotten, but it's something that we would certainly do and be open to. I mean, somebody could come in for a week or a few days—just to get an understanding of our industry. We'd certainly be open to that, but it's not a request we get very often." Southwest