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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Respondents who hire IT technicians seek candidates who understand interoperability; that is, an understanding of how various technologies work together.

Employer Quote Region
"As the network continues to expand to all the customers and people throughout the country, there's a higher level of skills required for people that work on these networks. What was considered an installation technician 10 years ago didn't require the skill sets that they require today. They have to have a certain amount of expertise in electronic equipment and provisioning and those types of things to make it work and troubleshoot it. Your customer, your home—there are many more electronic devices in your home today than there were several years ago that all have to interact and interface—if they don't have a good understanding of how these components work together they cannot solve the problem." Southwest
"We have many engineers on our staff. Those are the people that have to look at the high-level designs. We lay-out networks from the central office all the way to the end user. We have to be able to understand all the interacting technologies. Anyone familiar with Cisco—there are various layers of communication within a network—and the engineer has to understand all of those in order to lay-out a design that will work most efficiently toward the given application." Southwest