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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
For entry-level technicians, employers look for a minimum of an associate degree. Some say that associate-level technicians tend to have more practical experience, while bachelor-level technicians tend to have stronger soft skills. Some respondents feel that candidates coming from disciplines other than IT can be successful technicians as well.

Employer Quote Region
"For our needs, the two-year degree seems to be a better fit. The two-year program is a better program because things are changing so fast, all of these different devices that they're using. Students need to have that basic understanding of how it all works, but everything's changing so fast. If they're going to a four-year program, by the time they get through, the things that they learned in that first year are probably going to be outdated. The best thing they can learn is—once they have that basic understanding and that skill set—then the on-the-job training is what we need them to have." Southwest
"An associate's degree with hands-on experience." Southwest
"From my perspective, I would say many of the four-year grads have much better social skills, soft skills, whatever you want to call it. I see the biggest soft skills gap in two-year grads." Southwest