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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many respondents are already partnering with educational institutions (through advisory boards and other committees) to develop and modify curricula. They emphasize the importance of this ongoing communication since the industry is continuously evolving.

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"I am on the education committee of Minnesota Telecom Alliance. So, I am involved in that now. We have an interaction I guess you could say." Southwest
"We need to be building relationships and meeting face-to-face." Southwest
"I think also sort of going to [lost in translation] and curriculum committees. Certainly, we've found that to be helpful—when schools are looking at their curriculums to be involved in that process with them." Southwest
"I'm on an advisory board and we talk about issues." Southwest
"They'll have professors come in and just kind of show us some of the things that they're doing. It's a nice way for the faculty to stay in touch with us." Southwest
"We have pretty good relationships with our local schools." Southwest
"I think two-year and four-year curriculums—it's important to know what businesses need and what they expect from us." Southwest