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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Several employers want new hires that have stronger project management and leadership skills.

Employer Quote Region
"There's so little leadership taught these days. I try to glean as many leaders out of the military as I can because they've learned leadership through osmosis. They've had to." Southwest
"One of the things that I've seen missing from the four-year institutions is the ability to actually manage people. Some candidates think, 'I graduated with a business management degree, and that means I can manage people.' Well, no, not really. They don't have the fundamental soft skills. They don't have interpersonal savvy. They don't have political savvy. They don't have the ability to do a gap analysis on the employees and then develop a training. One of the best leaders said, 'You don't have to be a great leader to be a good trainer, but you have to be a great trainer to be a good leader.' And I'm seeing the deficit in that leadership area. I'm wondering what you guys are teaching, and what can we do to help you teach more?" Southwest