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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
Ongoing technological advancements within the manufacturing industry create a strong need for ongoing incumbent training. This includes the need not only for technical skill training, but also for ongoing training in interpersonal communication.

Employer Quote Region
"Employer 1: One of the great statistics I heard—although I don't how accurate it is—was that everything a graduate learns during a university engineering program will be obsolete in five years. So, people must have the critical thinking skills in order to move on to the next set of technology, to move on to the next set of problems that are being presented or, boy, you're in a tough spot.

Employer 2: Those are the kind of things that we're looking at, too, because of the rate of change that's going on in electronics and the components—not to mention the assembly procedures or whatever. I don't know what we're going to be doing in five years. This rate of change that we've seen in the last year has been significant in the different types of applications that our components are going into. This is stuff that, even three years ago, we never even thought it was possible. Now, our customers are asking for it."