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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers seek candidates who have had previous job and/or volunteer experience. Ideally, this experience would be in the health care field, but other experiences are valuable, too.

Employer Quote Sort ascending Region
"What I see as lacking is the real-life experience at the bedside." Metro
"Well, you can require that they have a part-time job or require that they have work experience before they enter a program." Northeast
"To me, that's a real hard thing. These new grads, they're not coming in with the level of experience. They need to hit the ground running in my lab because we don't slow down. We're going from the time they clock in until the time they walk out the door, so it's tough. It's a tough environment." Metro
"These were all people who committed time out of their school week to shadow and do a lot of different things. They were very interested in pursuing health careers. And one thing I noticed with this group of students is that they all had part-time jobs. Some of them started really early on, working for family members. I mean, that little entrepreneurial thing. And I know, at least there were quite a few of my friends or my children's friends who had never had a part-time job. They were never expected to work at McDonalds or anywhere and earn money even in the summer. Now, it wasn't like that at our house, but it's good just to have had that responsibility—where you had to be someplace at a certain time and then you got the satisfaction of that paycheck. But that experience seems to be lacking more. Another thing I noticed with these students that I was interviewing is that they're very motivated. They had a career path. They were very good students, and they'd all had some kind of a part-time job, whether it was at the grocery store or something else." Northeast
"The amount of experience that's real world experience, so to speak, coming from the training in the schools is not quite meeting the criteria of the minimum that they'd need to be able to come in and start out running or have the understanding of what they need to do." Metro
"One out-of-the-box thing that we do at our hospice facility is that we have a lot of teen and young adult volunteers. And I know our local high school requires their seniors do 30 hours of community service in order to graduate. And we have a lot of med students and nursing students that volunteer. And I think volunteering on your resume is huge. We had a med student that volunteered for the four years he was in college. Now, that's on his resume. Wherever you're volunteering, they rely on you to show up for work, to be well-groomed, to be polite, all those things, just like holding a job but you're volunteering, so you're not getting paid for it. I think if more universities and colleges required some type of volunteering somewhere, it'd be good for everyone. If they had that expectation because it would give them pride in what they're doing." Northeast
"If I'm an interviewer, I want to see what they've done. And I'm not expecting someone to come in having tons of experience. They're a brand new nursing assistant. They just graduated. People tend to think, well, I won't talk about that job I had at the grocery store or McDonalds. That's the kind of experience they had. If you can say, 'I worked there all these years, and I went from this level to this other level,' then it doesn't matter where that was. It's showing work ethic. It's showing they were able to balance other things while in school. And maybe they got really good grades on top of working 'x' hours a week. So, I think encouraging—starting at the high school level—some kind of a part-time job, even just during the summer months, is a good thing. Obtaining some kind of work experience while you're in school or at some point before you apply for your first professional job." Northeast
"I think for the younger people who are in the programs, real world experience and seeing what it's like and being able to provide that feedback and be involved in different things is important. That's what really prepares them and makes them better. So, when they actually hit the workforce, they've got some experience as opposed to just coming in green or whatever. I think that's a really important thing." Southeast
"Again, they're lacking experience. Sometimes it would be helpful if—you know, we do so much in the hospital environment with process improvement—and I don't know if there's a way to incorporate some of the PI tools or anything like that? And there are new technologies in the laboratory. Molecular is exploding, and they're not coming with a very strong molecular background. But it's such a changing science, I don't have the answer for how we would incorporate that..." Metro
"Employer 1: Okay, but even with that experience, they're not—the new applicant, the new graduate—they're really not ready to go?

Employer 2: No, the lab is too complex."