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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers emphasize the importance of short-term and in-house training due to cost and time constraints. Some employers suggested a two- or three-day training camp with certification; an option of taking a practice test to ensure recertification; and more simulation training.

Employer Quote Sort ascending Region
"What I can see the school systems doing is creating a camp. Somebody mentioned camp—a two-day or a three-day camp—where we could send a group of our nurses who could get a refresher on various topics. Like, how to deal with this type of trauma? How to deal with a patient with a hip fracture? You know, training on the latest and greatest. Because we are isolated, and—fortunately—we don't have a lot of turnover of nurses. But, then, there are not necessarily new ideas or new thoughts coming into the organization. So, having some type of a three-day type of retreat where we could send a group off to learn some of the latest techniques would be great.

Question: And get some kind of certificate credit? Something with continuing education?

Employer: Yeah."
"Plus the cost of trainings—the cost when our reimbursements are dropping constantly every year—what we get reimbursed is dropping in long-term care facilities, and in home care it's the same. So, to provide that kind of training is costly. Whether you send them out or whether you bring in a trainer, it's the same. You still pay for the trainer, and you still pay for the time for the staff to attend, and you have to pay the replacements to take care of the people during the training. So, it's all of the above. It's difficult, and yet we all, I'm sure, are doing it as much as we can." Central
"It's hard to find the time to do the training. Everyone is busy, so to get people together, and off the floor, is very challenging for us in order to get good trainings. With a facility our size, with 165 employees, we do have a full-time staff development director who's trained to keep all of these things going. We have a lot of mandatory training requirements." Central
"I think if we brought together nurses of like-sized organizations¿they're all kind of doing the multi-tasking of what the RN was traditionally doing—and had a camp with using that equipment that might be even better than coming out strictly to our organization. That's not to say it shouldn't be done in our organization as well, but something a little bit more intense, if you will." Northwest
"As the dollars continue to shrink—because I don't think that's going to go away for a long time—we are in a health care world today where it's cost less, pay less, and do more. I think that every one of us understands that. But then the regulations need to change as well. For instance, mandatory trainings can be very time-consuming and costly. If we are doing something like infection control, which is a mandatory in-service, then...yeah, okay. In order for that nurse to keep her certification, her license, she has to have that training. But why can't we move to have some type of a test-out process so that they don't have to sit there for two hours listening to somebody talk or go through some computerized training program to get that information? Can we develop a test-out system where it saves us the dollars and they don't have to sit there, but we still have the competency that we need?" Central
"Question: Can you help me to understand something? And you all may have a different situation, but is it a challenge when you need to do the training in-house? Is it easier to send people to a class? Is the amount of training a challenge? The time? Can you talk a little bit more about that piece in terms of why it's difficult?

Employer: All of the above, really."
"Employer 1: It's always easier when you bring a speaker in, or our own in-service director, to provide the training because we save on the travel time. And maybe they can work part of their shift instead of being off all day. Our staff doesn't want to take a whole day to go somewhere else if that's not their regular scheduled day. That's another thing.

Employer 2: That's very costly because you are paying them to go somewhere, you are paying their mileage, and you are paying the person that is replacing them on the floor."