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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Manual transmission and other driver training is important.

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"[Driving a manual transmission] is a lost skill that nobody knows. I have 1,200 trucks and by far my biggest struggle is bringing entry-level people in that can drive a manual transmission vehicle." Central
"The other trend [I think educators should know about] is the ability to drive a manual transmission. As simple as it might sound, a lot of kids that come out of school never have done it. They're going into the industry, and yet they can't even drive the car. It's like it might be something you need to add to their curriculum, you know, transmission operation." Metro
"Technology has changed so much and the service skills you've had to add in there, and now, we have to teach them how to drive manual transmissions too." Metro
"I think that's a generational thing. You know, I didn't drive [a manual transmission] until I learned how. So that's my biggest challenge throughout the Midwest, is that that skill has been lost completely. Even with some of the CDL level people, they've trained on automatic transmission trucks. We have all manual transmissions, so I think that's a skill that needs to come when they go through the program level." Central
"For the past decade, that's one of the questions that I ask students, `do you know how to drive a manual transmission?' Because they'll go out on an internship and they'll have to pull a Corvette, and they've never driven a manual transmission. [One kid] crashed into a garage door. That's a real situation. A kid, he didn't want to say he didn't know how to do it, and he got into the car and got confused and he crashed the car." Metro