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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Many companies have developed their own incumbent training programs. Others use suppliers, either bringing them in-house or sending employees off-site. (Off-site training is considered more cost-effective.) Those employers that have used higher education for incumbent training mentioned working with the University of St. Thomas and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"Every one of us can do more things in leadership, but to go through some of the programs and actually bring somebody on-site—we actually developed a leadership program." Northwest
"For us, it's how many need to be trained. If we have 10 or 15 that need to be trained, we try bringing training in-house. That way, we don't have a day of travel, another day back, and all of that. We look at the overall cost of our engineering staff being gone for four days. We bring the training in if sending them out is going to be a too much. But if it's only a couple of people, we send them off." Central
"Often the training that these folks get is offered by some of the vendors' learn-specific model, modeling software. A geochemistry class might be offered by a professional organization of some type. I think there are probably two with the chemical. The air quality modeling offered is more specialized." Metro
"Our electrical and controls engineers spend a lot of time working with our suppliers and distributors of the controls software, the current technology that's out there." Southwest
"We bring in a consultant to train, yeah." Metro
"We do both. We have an FMEA training this week. A year ago, we brought in some help in learning how to do new product development process to standardize our process. We had all of our engineering staff being trained in the stage gate management of our processes." Central
"We do not send them out for training. We have our own computer-based program that we have put together and an outline. It can take two months to six months to finish because each employee goes at their own pace." Northwest
"We have actually set up a formal program; we call it Engineering University. New engineers are required to take online classes offered by TPC." Southwest
"We have quite a few people who have not taken the full suite of classes, but [non-MnSCU college] offers an MBA. We used to have an MBA [program] for our engineers. At least, we approved a lot of additional funding for education a couple of years ago. So, I know they're going on to [non-MnSCU college]. A couple of people are going back and getting MBAs. There are a couple of project management organizations that offer some scheduling and project management." Metro
"We've got kind of a unique situation. Our parent company is in Europe and they're renowned for their engineering technology. So, we really tap into their skills. We send our engineers—almost all of them go to Europe—maybe on a yearly basis. Some of them go four or five times a year. And we have the European engineers come here, so we utilize that. We use their knowledge and their experience to train our engineers and to keep them. I think it gives them a challenge, too." Southwest