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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers emphasize the importance of short-term and in-house training due to cost and time constraints. Some employers suggested a two- or three-day training camp with certification; an option of taking a practice test to ensure recertification; and more simulation training.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"I think if we brought together nurses of like-sized organizations¿they're all kind of doing the multi-tasking of what the RN was traditionally doing—and had a camp with using that equipment that might be even better than coming out strictly to our organization. That's not to say it shouldn't be done in our organization as well, but something a little bit more intense, if you will." Northwest
"What I can see the school systems doing is creating a camp. Somebody mentioned camp—a two-day or a three-day camp—where we could send a group of our nurses who could get a refresher on various topics. Like, how to deal with this type of trauma? How to deal with a patient with a hip fracture? You know, training on the latest and greatest. Because we are isolated, and—fortunately—we don't have a lot of turnover of nurses. But, then, there are not necessarily new ideas or new thoughts coming into the organization. So, having some type of a three-day type of retreat where we could send a group off to learn some of the latest techniques would be great.

Question: And get some kind of certificate credit? Something with continuing education?

Employer: Yeah."