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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Long-Term Care: Long-term care facilities, in particular, have difficulty attracting and retaining health care professionals. Because long-term facilities are not reimbursed at the same rates as hospitals, they cannot always provide competitive compensation. Additionally, the image of long-term care is generally seen as less "glamorous" than other health care environments. Employers need more health care professionals who are dedicated to a career in geriatric care and/or in nursing home facilities. Students also need a greater understanding of the nursing home model, which includes the social model of aging in addition to the medical model of aging.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"I'd have more geriatric information and training across the board because, even if we're not focusing on the last two or three years of life, you're still going to have an older, more chronic, more complicated set of cases when people present." Northeast
"We need more people who are geriatric-focused." Northeast
"When folks present, they're going to present with more complicated and with more serious issues—and probably more geriatric. So that kind of specialty information, whether it's just a class along the way or even a special focus." Northeast