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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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With an aging population, there is a greater demand for geriatric, palliative, and hospice care. The need for more chronic disease management is also encouraging a shift to preventative care and self-accountability for health behaviors that lead to chronic disease.

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"I think what is happening is, again, a lot of us are in adult services and the clients that are coming to us are very complex today. These folks are sick, and they are chronically sick. It's not an acute state anymore, and there are seven diagnoses of very clinically-complex patients." Central
"We are an aging state and we are an aging nation. The fastest growing segment of our population is 65 and older. In fact, it's 85 and older if you really look at the numbers. When I think about health care globally in Minnesota, we are not ready. We are not ready for that shift. We are totally unprepared." Central