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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers look for individuals who are passionate about the field and are self-motivated to learn new technologies.

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"I think the big thing is finding people that are really excited about IT." Central
"I want to go back to the inability to find quality students. In my opinion, it's an issue of qualifying students and getting the right people in the right programs. We see a lot of computer science students or IS students, and they're just not curious or passionate about it." Central
"If they don't have passion, they're not going to be successful regardless of what they do in life." Central
"It goes back to the curiosity. When I was in high school and college, I went home to a house that I rented down the street and I had six servers running, just playing with anything and everything I could get my hands on. It's curiosity. You've got to see emerging trends—I mean, you've just got to go out there and look. It really is as simple as looking for it. You don't need anybody to tell you this. 'Is there a different way to do this? Oh, let's go find one.' It really is that simple." Central
"The major problem we have is the personality issue. That's huge, and I don't even know if we have a plan for how to solve that. I think that's the hardest part, trying to get those free thinkers. Those people that want to come in and even suggest other ideas or other ways of going through their skill sets. People who think outside of just software development. I think that's a really tough skill set to find." Central
"You know, finding people who are really analytical—we call it curious—that really want to know how things work and they're not just there to show up. They love computer science and developing software. They want to understand how the business works and how to add value. We see a lower percentage of those types of people coming out of programs than we would like. So, we're having to really dig deep." Central