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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers in the IT field look for well-rounded new hires. The ideal candidate has strong communication skills, business sense, leadership abilities, consultation skills and broad technical knowledge. Small businesses tend to look for generalists since their positions are less specialized and require a variety of tasks.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"Employer: Something that's available for some grunt work is the hardwire all around. But as a specialty kind of thing, we would prefer to look for somebody that's got some manufacturing background so that—when they set up our server and database and collect our information—they've got an understanding of what manufacturing an ERP [Enterprise Resource Planning] system might need versus some of the other manufacturing software.

Question: So you need somebody with a broad range of abilities and experience with some manufacturing?

Employer: Yeah."
"Technical skills are key, but we've had people—I think one in particular—who scored a zero on our technical test. But she did so well on the customer service side that we hired her anyway, and she's still an outstanding employee to this day. So, it depends on the circumstances. Technical skills are going to bring you the top, but employees should also have the skills to figure out how to respond to the customer when you don't know the answer." Northwest
"They need to have the basic stuff on how technology works and how networking works and math and obviously engineering skills. But we can get them into our specialized niches if they come with a hard-work attitude." Northwest
"Those soft skills are key to being able to work with other people. It's not just the technical part of it..." Northwest