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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
A few employers are looking for knowledge of specific software and virtualization skills.

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"Of all of the job applications that I've looked at for the support positions, I have yet to see an application where somebody listed knowledge and practical skills—unless this was somebody coming from another company—then, yeah. But you're talking about new people coming in. In doing some of the most rudimentary things that we need somebody to do like managing a few hundred work stations and work station imaging. I think they get some of the active directory stuff and maybe some of the other OS stuff, but the real industry standard or in-practice imaging and some of the basic functions of the work stations that you see across the spectrum aren't necessarily there. I haven't seen that there. I don't know if it's being taught or not, but I have not seen it. And it would help. It would certainly sway my decision if I would see that somebody's actually done that and has experience." Northwest
"One other thing, too, is the business soft skills. I mean, there are spreadsheets, word processing, and all those basic things that we all take for granted as important. Not that it has to be Excel or Lotus or whatever. From the specific technology though, make sure they know how to use spreadsheets and word processing." Northwest