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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers look for new hires that are motivated, trainable, and willing to engage in lifelong learning in a continuously evolving industry.

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"Here's what I look for—and then I'll try to teach the rest: How enthusiastic are they? Are they motivated? Because I can't teach motivation. I can't teach smart. And I can't teach trainability. Somebody comes in thinking, 'I have a four-year degree, I know everything. And you can't train me because I know everything.' Well, they're useless to me. I just interviewed three engineers two days ago, and I've turned them all down. They came out of really good engineering schools, but they know everything and they were more than willing to tell me how they know everything. That's not trainable." Southwest
"I need somebody to come in and say, 'You know, I've jumped through the right hoops for the right people to be able to get my little degree. And, now, I understand that I don't know what I don't know. Please teach what I don't know, and then teach me how to do it.' But they don't have that attitude. Very few that come through higher education have that attitude. A lot of technical school kids come in and think, 'Well, so-and-so who's worked on the line for 26 years, he doesn't have a degree, so I must be smarter than him.' No. Not so much. The person who's been on the line for 26 years knows how to fix every piece of machinery in this place. He's learned how to use computers and he's learned how to use the CNC machine on his own. What I'm looking for is more people in your system who understand the fact that you have to have what my dad used to call common sense. I call it logic. You need to be able to think to yourself, 'If I stick my hand in here, it's probably not going to come back.' A lot of people don't have that thinking capacity anymore. They just think, 'Well, the machine will stop itself before I ever get hurt.' No. Machines aren't that smart." Southwest
"Like I said, they don't know everything when they come out of school. But if we think that they have the aptitude, we're happy to teach them." Southwest