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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
As in other industries, leaders in the manufacturing industry are concerned about a high percentage of the workforce retiring over the next decade; this is particularly true as they continue to struggle to fill entry-level positions.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"As the Baby Boomers leave the workforce, we're going to be really in a lot of trouble because it takes time to train new hires. All of our machinery is computer controlled, it's highly specialized, it's a lot of technology." Northwest
"We don't let them retire. We keep them on. We encourage them to stay with us on a part-time basis. Yeah, that's been going on for a long time." Northwest
"We really have to focus in the next few years on knowledge transfer. We have an aging population that is going to want to retire, and for many of them, they are the people that have figured out how to do everything. When you look at them running a machine or doing a specific skill, they make it look so simple because they are the ones that figured it out. They know the steps, and we've worked on knowledge transfer a little bit in certain areas, but I think that whole piece of, 'Will their knowledge transfer?' is a question. Again, generationally, folks operate differently." Northwest