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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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With skilled workers in short supply, the manufacturing industry is moving towards automation and robotics; therefore, the demand for qualified maintenance specialists is increasing.

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"I think one of the opportunities for manufacturing right now is the change towards more robotics. And there are a lot of young people who think that's really exciting—that there's going to be more and more robotics. I think we need to let young people know that's what's going on in manufacturing. They may find themselves totally interested in robotics. If there is more robotics, obviously, there will be more jobs doing that type of work. So, just showing these young people that you don't have to just be an engineer, or just a production machine person, or just be a welder, but if you learn some of these skill sets—along with some other things—you can move your way up through the industry. Someday, you might own or run an operation. Or you might be the head salesperson or the head quality manager, etcetera. I like that idea." Metro
"We're going more and more towards the automation and robotics. So, it's not just the very high-level programming people we'll need, but also the people that are skilled to do the maintenance on whatever's required for this automation program. Technology's great, but we got to have the people that keep it going." Metro