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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


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Employers offer various recommendations for improving MnSCU manufacturing programs, such as standardizing program and occupation titles, increasing support for community colleges, and training professors on new technology.

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"Employer 1: With all the technological advances they keep making to their machines, are they ever brought to the table so that the schools know what to teach to help support the machines? Is there a way to get the teachers taught from manager reps? We need these types of relationships.

Employer 2: Basically, the machines that they're teaching get more and more advanced. So, the question for the educators is, 'Do you have relationships with the vendors so that you guys have opportunities to keep up on the newest technological advancements?'

Employer 1: I don't know what's in place to keep you abreast of everything that's going on—like training your teachers—and if there are advancements that you could take advantage of?

Employer 2: I heard from some people that I know in schools as well as from a vendor that there are a lot of rules and regulations about what they can and cannot do. That might hinder our ability to move forward. Sometimes people from schools might want to go to machine shows to be able to see what's available, but who pays for it? How does that all happen?"
"Everything metal needs to be either painted or plated. That's a fact, and there is no schooling for metal finishing of any kind. We have to train our own people, and with parts moving back from overseas, it's become a quality and a turnaround issue. Whatever it is, we're seeing growth in manufacturing. For turnaround, it means you have to get quality right the first time. Nobody supplies us with these people. We've got to train them, and it's hard to get people to understand how electroplating works. And anybody that makes metal parts, I guarantee they've had frustration with the quality and performance of electroplaters. What category would they fit in? There aren't programs for it. It doesn't even get addressed. But, if it's a part made of metal, it's got to be painted or plated." Central
"I think one of the issues where the schools can help us—and everybody needs to do it, even parents—is to instill into the younger workforce that this is a life-long learning process. And it's important that you continue to see the world that way. Otherwise, you could be left behind because the technology is moving along so fast. So many students think, 'I did my time in school, so now I'll get my job, collect my money, and life will be good.' But just think about what we know today versus what we knew five years ago, compared to what we knew 60 years ago. If young people don't how the world is today—how quickly everything is changing—then we're sort of doomed. They need to be problem-solvers who can deal with change. I don't know if they really see that." Central