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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers speak of the process of recruiting and the challenge of placement partnerships with colleges in other regions of the state.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"We go right to the school. We focus on [MnSCU college #1] and [MnSCU college #2]—their fluid power program and their mechatronics program. And, because of the mechatronics program that the CTC is getting going, we'll be focusing on them, too.

One thing that we've found with crafts people during our recruitment is that you can hire them away from home, but eventually they want to go back. And you need people that come from that area. And our whole attack on recruitment has been to build a strong rapport with the schools. Be on their advisory boards, and get to know what their programs are all about. And get to know the instructors so they can give us a little lead on some kids and things like that."