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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


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In the automotive repair industry, employers are looking for new hires with a broad array of skills. For instance, they want technicians who possess both mechanical and technological skill sets for diagnostics and repair. Some employers state it is difficult to find candidates with this combination. Other employers stress the importance of a combination of mechanical knowledge, customer service skills, and other general skills.

Employer Quote Sort descending Region
"I think it's harder to find a young, skilled, technician now than it has been in the past, and technology has made it so they need to have more skills. So I'm having trouble mechanics and machinists." Metro
"Oh, yeah, they get on their smart phones and computers, great. But they have no clue about a car. You have to hire two guys now to do one job. You got to have one guy maybe diagnose it and then tell the other guy what to do because he either doesn't have the ability to do that—taking it down and putting it back together—or he doesn't want to do, one of the two." Metro
"They have this idea now about all this technology, and their world is sitting in front of computers. But when the get out to my place, or my world, they still got to take nuts and bolts apart. Those bits and pieces, to me, are what's lacking. Some of the basic essentials of how to arrange things when you disassemble them and then how to put them back together again. The actual physical is not there. The mental is there. They can go right to the computer and they know how to get to the information, but when they get that information, I see that I have trouble with the kids taking that information and actually taking it and doing the work." Metro