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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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The effects of technological changes on the repair industry include more equipment with electronic functions; these functions include a greater number and variety of modules to control them. There is also a movement toward manufacturer-specific parts and the use of wireless diagnostic equipment. Respondents say these changes require a shift to a computer-based industry that requires technicians to have more specialized and technical skills

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"And you have so much electronics now in these vehicles that almost everything has something electric about it. With shock absorbers, it used to be you'd take out two nuts and bolts and it fell out. Well, now they're electric. And they operate on a traction control. And they have a stabilizer system. So it's not something you can just turn around and change." Central
"How you fix cars a lot nowadays is with the computer and you can't get around that. It's not just turning nuts and bolts anymore." Central
"I think [we'll] probably see more the growth towards the combination hybrid, electric, gas trucks. Demand isn't real high right now, but it seems like that's what manufacturers are focusing on, so as an employer that's what we train on and what we try to have available. The technology looks good, but I doubt very much that anybody coming out of a tech college would know a whole lot about it." Central