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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
With an aging population, there is a greater demand for geriatric, palliative, and hospice care. The need for more chronic disease management is also encouraging a shift to preventative care and self-accountability for health behaviors that lead to chronic disease.

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"I'm going to add a philosophical statement. A big part of this is people taking more responsibility for their own health status. There is an appetite out there, and it will not end. People have to take more responsibility for keeping themselves healthy and, well, we are partnering to help achieve that. But absent that, it would just crash everything. And so that piece doesn't specifically fit into the workforce, but it shouldn't be lost. This isn't just about trying to grow more and more jobs and things like that. I mean people are just not happy. You just look at certain kinds of health status issues in our community, and some of these issues are quite significant.

Question: So the importance of the business community stepping up as they have been but doing it more?

Employer: Helping to make it personal."
"It is an individual responsibility. It's helping to send a message that it's a personal responsibility for people to keep themselves healthy and well throughout their lives. It mitigates a lot of those chronic things and conditions that not only cost a lot, but also impede with a lot of activities in their lives." Southeast
"We're trying to keep people well. And we're trying to ensure people have fewer patient days and that they stay out of the hospital and all that—just stay healthier. So, you might stay healthier longer. Let's say that somebody stays healthy until 80 instead of 70, or until 90 instead of 80, or until 100 instead of 90—but eventually the body gives way and at the end of life, those last two years is where the health care drives costs up. And we always have a last two years of life—whether it's at 62 or 82 or 102 or 122—I don't care when it is, but I don't know that we're going to have any less...

Question: So, those last two years of focused care could be with people who are much older?

Employer: We're talking about accountable care to keep everybody healthy. Well, okay, groovy. We're going to keep people healthy, but eventually, there is an end of life when you're not healthy. So, I'm wondering about that. I'm not sure that the numbers are—the cost is—going to get any less for those two years..."
"Right now, almost a third of Medicare dollars is spent on the last two years of life. I think those dollars should be taken and put on the first years of life, teaching teens how to be healthier, eat healthier, be active.

Advanced care planning, I think, is very important with the chronic disease management. What kind of care do you want? You go into an ER, and it's assumed you want everything done and you end up in ICU. That's not going to fly anymore."
"I think you're going to see more home- and community-based services. The workforce is going to be going to the home and providing care. And I think that we're also going to see more palliative care type of nursing out there, palliative and hospice." Metro
"We are an aging state and we are an aging nation. The fastest growing segment of our population is 65 and older. In fact, it's 85 and older if you really look at the numbers. When I think about health care globally in Minnesota, we are not ready. We are not ready for that shift. We are totally unprepared." Central
"I think what is happening is, again, a lot of us are in adult services and the clients that are coming to us are very complex today. These folks are sick, and they are chronically sick. It's not an acute state anymore, and there are seven diagnoses of very clinically-complex patients." Central