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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
In addition to cloud computing, the industry is seeing trends towards network security, data storage, Android and iPhone platforms, and mobile applications. Employers anticipate continued demand for these types of services.

Employer Quote Region Sort ascending
"It's wanting more security and control of your own information. That's where I see a huge trend coming down the road—network security." Southwest
"Virtualization. Storage. People with those types of backgrounds." Southwest
"There's a lot of work being done on network security. I think that's going to be a very big area to focus on going forward because the technology just keeps going and going. The security side may be lagging behind a little bit with regard to those advancements." Southwest
"Question: What about IT security?

Employer: That's something I personally see companies identify a need for. It's a tricky one. I mean, I don't think a lot of Fortune 500 companies are interested in hiring a student right out of college to manage the security."
"I think security is going to continue to become a huge thing. Security and technical auditing. You know, security processes. I think that's going to be a really big growing area because more of these companies who used to have their own internal security process moved to the cloud. Now you have to have either automated or [lost in translation] and each one of those is an area of weakness. So, security processes are a big area." Metro
"This auditing function and security—you are going to need people in your office who can make sure that everything that you've got in the cloud is secure and protected. We are already doing it. That is something that existed in our business a year-and-a-half ago and now it's mandatory." Metro
"I think where you will see application implications—maybe not impacts—is going to be around compliance. Regulatory things that govern what applications can and can't do, and what we can actually do with them. We work with 6,200 financial institutions, and they have massively rigorous requirements I have to comply with on a monthly basis. So, cloud, for us, becomes interesting but maybe not as relevant as for a different industry because we are, in fact, prohibited in some cases from doing things like that. Or we have to get express permission or be advised to do that. So, I think there's going to need to be a balance between privacy, regulatory, clients, and technology. An understanding of how you balance those." Metro
"Another one I want to mention is this concept of big data. There are a lot of traditional database systems and ways of handling data that are dated back to relatively small data sets. Today, you have things like Facebook. So, everything—all this data—is tracked literally like every second. How do you handle that? What types of solutions do you use? How do you model that data? How do you ask questions of that data? So, that's something that's crept up, I think, in the last ten years with the advent of the internet and some of these platforms that are now storing tons of data—and then even sharing that data with anyone who wants to consume it or use it. So, that's a trend that I see more and more." Central
"I would echo what has been said already. I think the data—obviously that's a big thing—coupled with modeling and the security that comes along with that...so there's a lot more focus on security than there used to be. Obviously, all sorts of security. And, with legislation and regulations, that's just going to be part of what we do as a business that they need to pay attention to." Central
"I was thinking more along the lines of data as well. Data is huge in what we do at our office in [MnSCU university]. I mean, you basically work with Snap back-up product and back-up thousands and thousands of files. So, we support this offer that corporations use. So, I'm thinking of data in more of a standpoint of the different options that corporations can use and how they might store that. Whether it's the cloud or the gate or this whole virtualization and storage devices and storage area networks and things like that. So, I see that—just the amount of data that the world is continuing to produce—finding a way to make sure that's accessible to people when they need it. The other side of data would be taking that data and turning it into information that businesses can use to make decisions on. So, that's another piece where I see data coming into play here. It's not just pieces of information, but turning it into something that's useful to make business decisions." Central
"Being a hosting provider, we hold onto people's data and we need to treat it as our own. Security is huge for us, and there's a whole mindset that goes along with it. Like, you're saying people have just got to push it out to the back burner, make it work, and move on. It's something that we'd like to see more of, even in our user groups. Security is a big thing." Central