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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers spoke of various other partnerships in which they are currently involved. These include the Iron Range Engineering Program and the Northeast Project.

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"The Northeast Project was very much industry-driven. It was driven by a group of employers and industries that met regarding workforce needs for a great deal of time. Through their efforts, they built a relationship with the Northeast Higher Education District which then grew with [MnSCU college] on the engineering side. So, it has really got a fair amount of traction. It was used as a vehicle, as a talent traction-type of concept as well, but it is really producing some great results." Metro
"Yeah, marketing. I mean, I work up here but I go down to the Twin Cities, and I cannot tell you how many people in the Cities think it's a ghost town up here. The perception of someone that's not from the Range coming up here and working up here is, well, we need to work on that. And I don't think that's higher education's responsibility, per se." Northeast
"Employer 1: Just by looking at the geography here, it strikes me that our communities up here are probably further from a four-year institution than other communities in the state. So, as kids are going to school, they're leaving here, with the exception of Arrowhead. I wonder, if there were more people graduating with baccalaureate degrees here in the area—that had spent four years in the area—that there might be a greater likelihood of keeping those people?
Employer 2: I think that was the root behind the Iron Range Engineering Program. Engineering is a very important discipline here, and it's kind of like you grow your own."
"Representatives from [university] are going to be up here next week. They're going to tour the Iron Range. They're coming up to Hibbing. A lot of it deals with programming and mining. And the other thing is the proposed mine engineering program here on the Iron Range. So, they'll be up here looking, and I'm sure they'll be asking a lot of questions. I know that a mine engineering program, for the number of mine engineers that are needed in the area, is a good thought. I know that [non-MnSCU college] has already offered a minor in mineral processing. And [out-of-state college] is close to reinstating the mine engineering degree there. I don't know whether we should go with it or not, whether it's the right thing. But I know that it's very difficult to get instructors teaching in the mining field right now." Northeast
"We're recruiting constantly for professional positions. And it seems that what everybody knows is that—if the candidate doesn't have a connection somewhere up in northern Minnesota—it's very difficult to keep those people here. I think they come in with preconceived notions of what it's going to be like to live here. So, I think we really have to work on that whole perception thing." Northeast
"He's talking about how we can partner with [non-MnSCU college], with MnSCU, or with somebody to maybe get an autoclave, a small autoclave, so that we can have somewhere to test our materials and start training. Right now, there isn't a facility like that. So, we're looking to develop partnerships. We really want to make sure there's not a barrier between MnSCU and the university system, and that it's really seamless." Northeast
"I'll tell you one thing we're trying to do, and we're going to do at [MnSCU college] is apply for a Job Skills Partnership grant to bring leadership—maybe it's executive leadership—and development skills." Southwest