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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Nurses are often required to assume management and supervisory roles as they enter the field. This is difficult for new hires that lack leadership training.

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"What we're seeing is that care is becoming much more complex. We need people who can think critically and act on their feet. We need people who are good not only with family members, but also with physicians and other team members. They need to take that leadership role. We really think that the education level of the RN needs to go up." Metro
"I think, as we look into the future, we're going to need registered nursing leaders and lab leaders who are not afraid of change and who are very innovative. We need people who have the ability to think about new ways of delivering health care to a population that is getting sicker as our staffing is becoming more challenging." Metro
"Give them some skills in project management that can be applied to changes that are happening in our world. So, basic project management skills would help, and then some foundation type of leadership skills." Metro