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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Students need to be trained on the financial aspects of health care to better understand reimbursement and how their health care decisions will financially impact the system.

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"Employer 1: Do students come out of school understanding fiscal responsibility? Do we need more of that? Is that a baccalaureate level or master's level skill? Or do you need LPNs to understand that, too? They need to understand how their choices affect the bottom line.

Employer 2: Well, they're going to hear about it. I mean everybody does. It's everybody's responsibility. And we do expect them to know more about that now, I think, than when I started 11 years ago. I think they still could be a little more in tune with that; I'm not sure that they are. Because nurses don't want to hear anything about budgets. They just want to know about patients. That's getting a little bit better, but we're trying to get rid of the waste in our systems and if they could understand a little bit more about finance maybe they would understand why certain things happen."